Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Audio: LANY "ILYSB" & "BRB"

As a follow-up to the release of their two debut tracks “Walk Away” and “Hot Lights,” LA trio LANY drops their latest doublet of acronym-based melodies “ILYSB” and “BRB.” The light electronic tones of “ILYSB” is escorted by mid-tempo claps and chilled vocal reverbs molding a velvety assemblage of soothing sounds. The cut is contrasted with “BRB,” a cut embellished with honeyed synth vibrations and tinges of shadowed R&B electronics. Although the context of these songs have yet to be revealed, their ingenious aesthetics speaks for itself. Vibe to the tunes below.

Morganne Nikole
Saint Heron: http://bit.ly/1tjBnzt

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